Our approach
Kite surfing has never been easier and safer (to learn and improve). You, our clients, are most important for us. Our approach is as individual as you! We know that everybody has different prerequisites and experieneces. Different ages, sex, experiences in sports just to name a few. Our lessons are individualized and tailormade. In every lesson you’ll learn a specific skill, but more importantly you’ll know why you are learning it. Through a combination of video feedback, theory lessons and in water coaching we ensure your progress is as high and safe as possible.Tell us what you need and we’ll make it possible.
Your benefits
Fair prices
individualized kite lesson for everybody
Our goal is your maximum learning success in the shortest time possible.Our prices are fair and transparent.
Top notch equipment
Easy, safe & fun
Our state of the art equipment makes kitesurfing safe and easy. A video training with water proof cam and laptop is possible.
Tailor made approach
Personalized lessons and coaching to meet your needs.
We exclusively train a maximum of 2 students per instructor, because the more practical experience you get the faster you’ll improve. In doing so, you’ll exactly train the skills that are most important and relevant to you without waiting or pointlessly wasting money.
Qualified & experienced
Highest possible qualification and international experience since more than 15 years.
Our instructors and trainers rely on long-standing experiences. The knowledge from their sport science university education and various sports guarantee professional and efficient kitesurf training and coaching.
From absolutely beginner to an independend kitesurfer: Good coaching is important. So, why not expect as much from a professional kitecoach as you would from a coach in other more main stream sport like golf or tennis? We show you – as an example – how to progress fast, safe and easy .
Step 1 / Kitecontrol
Step 2 / Bodydragging
Step 3 / Waterstart
Step 4 / Kitesurfing
Step 5 / Controling directions
Step 6 / Jumps & Wave